San Diego Zoo Penguin Day
April 25, 2022

Penguin Day

Join us at the San Diego Zoo on Monday, April 25, as we celebrate World Penguin Day and all you make possible for our feathered friends! With interactive experiences from wildlife care specialists and fun surprises for the whole family, this will certainly be a day to remember.

San Diego Zoo Penguin Day Ask an Ally

Ask an Ally!

  • Select times, 10 a.m.–3 p.m.
  • Penguin Beach at Africa Rocks

Enjoy exclusive opportunities to meet with wildlife care specialists to learn more about the incredible conservation efforts you support at the San Diego Zoo and across the globe. Join us at the following times to get to know the wildlife care specialists and scientists protecting wildlife.

  • 10 a.m.: Horticulture walk, meet at the Rocks Box by the Africa Rocks Stage
  • 11 a.m.: Penguin wildlife care specialists
  • Noon: Horticulture walk, meet at Rocks Box by the Africa Rocks Stage
  • 1 p.m.: Fish feeding with a wildlife care specialist
  • 2 p.m.: Shark feeding with a wildlife care specialist
  • 3 p.m.: Penguin feeding with a wildlife care specialist
San Diego Zoo Penguin Day with Dr Zoolittle

Meet Dr. Zoolittle

  • Select times, 10 a.m.–3 p.m.
  • Penguin Beach at Africa Rocks

Everyone’s favorite conservationist will be roaming around Africa Rocks to answer your wildlife questions!


San Diego Zoo Penguin Day Dapper

Dapper Like a Penguin

  • Select times, 10 a.m.–3 p.m.
  • Penguin Beach at Africa Rocks

Penguins wearing bracelets? These special, non-invasive devices provide wildlife care specialists with vital information. Learn what these bracelets meanthen make your own to match your favorite penguin with a special keepsake craft.

San Diego Zoo penguin day Face Paint

Festive Face Painting

  • Select times, 10 a.m.–3 p.m.
  • Penguin Beach at Africa Rocks

Put on your best face with festive face painting to celebrate World Penguin Day.

San Diego Zoo Penguin Day Cart Tours

Discovery Cart Tours

  • Reservation required.

Enjoy a 60-minute tour of the Zoo with one of our expert guides. Experience the wildlife you love like never before in this up close, behind-the-scenes tour. Space is limited, so make your reservation ahead of time.

San Diego Zoo Penguin Day Merch

Protect Penguins

  • Friday, April 22–Monday, April 25

Penguin merchandise will be 20% off all weekend long! Take home a penguin plush, a T-shirt made from recycled materials, or other keepsakes to share your love for penguins. Your purchase fuels critical conservation work.

San Diego Zoo Penguin Day Adopt

Adopt a Penguin

Your symbolic adoption of an African penguin fuels critical marine conservation benefitting our feathered friends.

San Diego Zoo Penguin Day Ally

Be an Ally for Wildlife

As an ally, you’re investing in the future of the planet we share. Your monthly gift helps create a world where all life thrives.

Shepard Fairey Giant Panda Collection
Friendship Across the Earth

Shepard Fairey Giant Panda Collection

Hotel with pool
Creature Comforts


Groom and bride embracing as a giraffe looks on in the distance.
Wild Weddings

Picture Your Special Day at the Park!